I’m really excited to announce our first local promotion with Olive Branch Pizza! My husband has been brainstorming for a while now; trying to think of some ways we can meet new people in North Mississippi. This was perfect idea for the season. Any soon-to-be graduate that has yet to schedule a senior photo session will have a chance to win one for free! Even though there’s a lot of work that goes into graduation photography, I’ve always loved working with teens. They’re mature enough to handle direction and ambitious enough to still see the whole world in front of them! So I really look forward to meeting the winner and showing them how fun a senior session can be! The Details of the Senior Grad Photo Giveaway:First and foremost, the contest will be held ONLY on April 7th, 2022. Entries (more below) will be accepted up until midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday, April 9th. Parents can place orders for students and you’re not limited to the pizza menu. How To Confirm Your Entry:1). Place an order at OB Pizza for over $30. 2). Send a picture of your receipt to photos@daniellejacqueline. 3). Share this post with the caption “ENTERED”. 4). BONUS ENTRY: Publish a video telling Danielle “I need a good senior photographer!” Both, college and high school graduates are eligible. They can reach out to me on any of the following channels for more information. Facebook: @ Instagram: @Danielle_ LinkedIn: https://www. Twitter: @DanieJacqPhoto Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to meeting all kinds of new people in the Memphis area in the years to come! |