5 Things to do Indoors on a Hot Summer Day in Mississippi.

inside of a full service photography studio in olive branch mississippi by danielle jacqueline with table and chairs with stools plants and white brick wall to pose in front of for portraits

As a photographer, I love being outdoors! But the Mid-south does present a few challenges. I tend to exhaust myself looking for things to do indoors on a hot summer day in Mississippi. Although humid temperatures give us plenty to complain about, I’ve learned it’s best to find contentment. So when it’s uncomfortable outside, we can still be full of gratitude and ever-so-comfortable inside!

As I’m sitting here on the hottest day of the year, my kids are bored and cooped up. How on earth am I going to keep all 6 of them cool, calm, and collected? While it’s tempting to stick them in front of a screen and go breath a little, it’s never a good option. Looking for productive and engaging things to do indoors on a hot summer day is how I prefer to decompress. So here are some fulfilling activities you might enjoy too!


Since the kiddos just got out of school for the summer, they’re never too thrilled about reading. But the library is full of so much more!  Most libraries offer a ton of different programs and events during the summer for ALL ages.  In the past, we’ve attended baby story and dance time and even teen workshops. During certain dates, they even reward children for the reading they do!

young junior sitting by lake with hair braided in vote shirt reading favorite book for things to do indoors during the summer mississippi blog by danielle jacqueline photography

The library provides an environment where kids can be entertained through learning and socializing. This gives parents a chance to cool off a little bit and decompress. LORD knows I need it sometimes. But it doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to participate with our kids or attend adult workshops and how-to classes ourselves! The best part is, it’s all free!  So, if you’re looking to beat the heat with fun this summer, it’s definitely worth it to check out the calendar at your local library.


The range in ages of my children make it tricky to find something we all enjoy. But working together on this is always fruitful! One activity that works well for my family, is painting. A creative project with a purpose or general concept really engages the kids. This could be anything from artwork we hang up to “who can paint the best elephant herd”.

One time, my husband cut out some animal shapes from wood pieces and gave them to the kids to paint. Since the project involved multiple steps, they were entertained for an entire afternoon! Doing something a little more challenging makes sure they don’t get bored quickly.

A Simple Creation With a Lasting Effect.

For example, purchase a small ceramic pot and have everyone decorate it with stencils or brushes. Once they’ve completed their unique design, give them some seeds and soil! The little ones sure do get a kick out of watching plants grow. Encouraging kids to use their creative skills and learn about responsibility is a home run.

Stuff like this really helps them grow! The way they care for the plant may even show you that they’re ready for additional responsibilities – like a pet! Who would have thought doing purposeful things indoors on a hot summer day in Mississippi could be so rewarding!


There is always something laying around the house that you can use for crafts. Sticks, materials, boxes, toilet paper or paper towel rolls work wonders! For example, you can make homemade bird feeders by covering the rolls with peanut butter, seeds and nuts. You could also make little animals, cars, or even binoculars with household items like these. If you’re having trouble being creative, a quick online search will flood your mind with inspiration!

Save as many ideas as you can so you’re locked and loaded as soon as you see boredom taking over the household. Making an effort here keeps your kids happy, busy, and cool without spending a dime!

little boy monsters inc stocking cap blowing into straw glass jar chocolate milk bubbles overflowing half smirk at kitchen table with placement settings by olive branch photographer danielle jacqueline at home mississippi


My 15-year-old is typically ready and willing to play a board game. I’ll take this any day of the week since she’s normally glued to her school-issued computer (ugh). This day in age, it may be considered old fashioned – but it’s some good old fashioned fun on a hot summer day! Keeping the cabinet stacked with options ensures there’s always something to do.

While it may seem risky to involve toddlers or young children, it gives them a chance to obey instruction and learn the concept of taking turns. Simple games like Go Fish, War, Candyland or Shoots N’ Ladders work well. Even playing  “I-Spy” from the window can be quite entertaining!

If you have older kids that like playing Life or Monopoly, take advantage by teaching them about budgeting and long term strategies that have life applications. If board games aren’t your cup of tea, you can never go wrong with Charades, Pictionary or a classic card game. Any type of competition usually brings the unit closer together.


No matter what you do on a hot summer day in Mississippi, nothing beats the heat better than a cold treat.  Homemade popsicles, for example, are sweet to eat and just as much fun to make. Even if you don’t have a couple ice cube trays stuffed in the back of your pantry, there are plenty of ways to make an idea like this work! Using small cups or having everyone find a unique molding to use is just as easy.

All you have to do is fill the empty space with fruit juice, pieces of fruit, yogurt or even a little ice cream and put it in the freezer. Fudgesicles are a fan favorite in my household. If you’re not up for a frozen treat, show your children how to make lemonade, ice tea or sweet tea. Making something refreshing together helps keep everyone busy and cool indoors. Once your taste buds are satisfied, share some with the neighbors!

baking sheet tray of pizza stuffed calzones with cheese on the top in over for danielle jacqueline photography memphis tn blog about things to do indoors during summer heat wave in midsouth

Cooking and baking also helps pass the time. In the past we’ve enjoyed making homemade pizza, stuffed calzones and a number of summer BBQ plates. Check them out and make your own recipe books to share for generations!

It’s OK to Stay Inside to Enjoy Your Summer!

Summertime is the best time for families to enjoy each other’s company. Although many families feel the need to break the bank to enjoy themselves, it’s simply not true! Genuine moments filled with creativity, curiosity and love and more than enough. Quality time is never wasted.

So take advantage of the summer and get involved with your kiddos.  Before you know it, they’ll be all grown up and ready to leave home. If you live in the Memphis area and would like to capture these types of memories, I’d be more than happy to be of service. I offer everything from lifestyle sessions to studio portraits in Olive Branch, Mississippi.

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