On this day of prayer, I encourage you and your family to share a prayer request for someone or something in your life that needs the love of God. The National Day of Prayer is often considered a day of reflection while highlighting individual needs. But we really ought to look around and see all that God has given and continues to share with us. He rewards us when we’re humble and grateful.
Lay Everything at the Foot of the Cross.
If you’re in the middle of a trial, try to avoid the negativity it can bring. We all face our own storms. We can easily miss opportunities to be there for someone else when we’re wallowing or feeling sorry for ourselves. Count your blessings and consider the life you have as one from above.
When you think about it, The National Day of Prayer helps us lead future generations. Remind your children that their heath and well-being shouldn’t be taken for granted. Not everything may go as we plan or assume, but if we put our faith in God, “we can do all things”.
Be Vulnerable with Your Faith.
Putting others first and remembering the golden rule gives us plenty of chances to bless and be blessed. We can make a lasting impact on those around us when we overcome ourselves. Although social media can seem like more of a burden, use it to share prayer requests or scripture. The hashtag, #PrayWithMe provides plenty of encouragement on The National Day of Prayer.
Feel free to find me online and tag me with your prayers. My family and would love to can ask God for a healing hand, guidance, sustainability, success, hope, happiness, or strength for you. As a country, we all need to band together, especially on the National Day of Prayer. There is plenty to seek Him on.