Capturing Siblings During Family Portrait Sessions.

big sister laying with newborn baby brother on couch after mother gave birth to second child captured in black and white by danielle jacqueline photography in olive branch ms

Getting to know families and their dynamic is what I love most about photography. Every group brings a unique set of personalities that are incomparable to the next. It definitely keeps me on my toes and challenges me to ask a lot of questions before every photo shoot – especially when I’m capturing siblings. You just never know which side of the love/hate relationship you’re going to get on portrait day.

If you don’t take the time to understand who you’re photographing, then how can you take quality pictures? I believe comfort levels begin with the relationship as I’ve been blessed to work with quite a few repeat clients. Being a part of the innocent and authentic moments of other people’s lives and watching their kids grow has also been a huge blessing for me.

Top Sibling Captures as a Photographer.

Since I normally blog about individual photography sessions, I thought it would be cute to talk about some of the adorable sibling photos I’ve taken over the years. I’ll go into detail about a few sessions then highlight some of my all-time favs.

two sisters smiling during family event outdoors teenagers without parents by danielle jacqueline black and white photography in olive branch ms

First Time Big Sister with a New Sibling

Nothing is more precious than capturing an awestruck child holding a baby sibling. The big brother or sister role is usually not taken lightly – at least at first haha. Whether they were an only child or not, they can’t help but adore the newest member of the family.  So many things must be going through their mind.

laying down squeezing infant newborn brother closing eyes dreaming of life not being only child anymore in memphis tennessee by danielle jacqueline photography lifestyle sessions
baby boy looking directly at camera lounging back on teal pillows while big sister elementary school is reading him a paperback story book before bedtime sibling photography by danielle jacqueline in olive branch ms south of memphis tn

I love photographing these innocent moments because it’s only a matter of time before the jealous emotions set in. Call it the calm before the storm if you will. It won’t be long before they realize the baby is the center of attention. Being mindful of this as a mom and talking through the moment can be a special thing when capturing siblings.

Although they will have their fair share of conflict, there’s always an awful lot of love in the air with new siblings. When I’m planning a family session with a new baby, I want to make sure other siblings feel included. They deserve to be front and center too! Brothers and sisters have a special bond that isn’t always easy to capture. But, the pictures below show how adorable it can be. 

smiling big sister in braids of panama immigrant parents laying down with little baby brother in new world of girls room style with teal and stuffed animals for kids portraits with danielle jacqueline in germantown tn
panama immigrants proud to be american celebrating new addition to their family with super happy big sister looking at camera with big smile matching shirts themed family pictures at home on couch with danielle jacqueline now in desoto county ms

If this doesn’t stir you up to start capturing siblings more often then I don’t know what to tell you! When they’re still littles, there’s hardly a moment worth missing!

The Authentic Love of Brothers and Sisters

Since I’m a mother of 6, I understand how difficult taking family photos with children can be. When kids aren’t bickering at each other, they’re usually goofing off together. It’s a hot and cold bond that truly never ends. This is just the way it is. So, capturing siblings in the perfect pose or expression doesn’t have to be the goal. 

two competitive brothers close in age arm wresting on pavement at park dressed formally for family portraits depicting sibling rivalry candid moment by danielle jacqueline photography near germantown tn

Keeping kids entertained and taking advantage of authentic moments typically turns out well. I‘ve kind of been able to master this over the years. Encouraging children to be themselves while honoring their parents is a lot easier said than done.

At the same time, asking them to sit still to smile over and over does create a little restlessness. So the best way to manage the shoot is to plan ahead and get all of their energy out beforehand.

older sister in sun dress and black tights pulling little brothers arm as they bolt through the open grass for sibling photoshoot with danielle jacqueline in desoto county mississippi
park day with family young boy acting up but sibling captured helping encourage him to participate in session with danielle jacqueline photography near memphis tennessee

Prepare For the Unexpected Sibling Moments.

Sometimes, parental guidance and experience isn’t enough. This was evident in one of my recent shoots. We had a tough time getting a young man’s cooperation. But to my surprise, big sister stepped up to the plate! Her leadership, love and respect for the process was very impressive! You can sense her sibling pride in the below picture with baby sis!

seated in grass in open field trees in back older sibling with baby sister on lap for family portrait session with danielle jacqueline photography just south of memphis tennessee

Photographing the older two as they ran together and laughed was priceless. It was also quite the relief! Watching her brother’s demeanor change because of her encouragement is something I’ll always remember. Hopefully the family does too!

There Are Plenty of Reasons to Photograph Siblings.

No matter what type of photoshoot I schedule, I’m always looking for creative ways to capture siblings in their own element. Looking for new tactics and finding ways to grow as a mother myself also helps. Child psychology is complex. Some don’t receive enough attention and feel the need to entertain or act out. Others clam up in an uncomfortable situation.

Knowing how to communicate and placing them in natural environments allows them to forget about the camera.

gorgeous photograph of two sisters blue and white dresses outside at family farm with sun shining setting by white picket fence for sibling moment captured by north mississippi photographer danielle jacqueline
toddler baby girl held by older sibling outside for family photography session at olive branch ms venue with green shrubs in background bright natural lighting big smiles

The key is comfort. If this can be attained, then capturing siblings is so much easier – and a LOT more memorable. Whether I’m photographing weddings, families or newborns, there’s always an opportunity to freeze a moment-in-time with siblings. Here are some of my favorite images of brother and sisters over the years.

Thinking About Photography in the Memphis Area?

Although I love capturing siblings and their families, I also provide a number of photography services that might be more fitting. Lifestyle pictures and ride a long services (for group events or outings) have been a fan fav of late. No matter your reason, finding a quality photographer near Memphis can go a long way. 

So take some time to shop around and see what type of personality and experience will suit your family or group best. You’re always more than welcome to stop by my studio in Olive Branch, Mississippi if you have any questions!

danielle jacqueline photography company logo with typography by prefocus solutions

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