Lifestyle Photography Creates Quality Family Memories That Last

little boy monsters inc stocking cap blowing into straw glass jar chocolate milk bubbles overflowing half smirk at kitchen table with placement settings by olive branch photographer danielle jacqueline at home mississippi

Imagine a photo shoot that enables you to simply be yourself without any distractions. Well, lifestyle photography gives you that opportunity! Instead of venturing to an unfamiliar studio setting, you can hire a local photographer to visit you in the comfort of your own home.

Doing so helps capture you and your family’s authentic personalities and natural way of life. There’s no need for backdrops or forced poses. In some instances, you don’t even have to smile! You can easily interact and do some of the things you love as if a photographer wasn’t even there.

natural lighting and setting at local farm house on porch in collierville tn denim attire curled hair smiling off into the distance for up and coming actress and model captured by danielle jacqueline photography in olive branch

Why Remember Your Family or Friends This Way?

Lifestyle photography is becoming more and more popular because traditional photo shoots tend to be bland and cheesy. Although social media encourages phony posting, showcasing who we really are is extremely influential. Nobody is the same and there’s no benefit in acting as if we’re all perfect.

Capturing your frequent interactions or day-to-day routine communicates the aura and culture of the home. It also keeps everyone in-the-moment and puts into perspective where you came from or where you’re going in life.

grandmother in shades holding baby girl looking directly at camera wearing sunhat during summer photo session in olive branch ms by danielle jacqueline

What Are Some Reasons for Lifestyle Photography?

Most people that schedule this type of session are experiencing some sort of major change in their life – like the arrival of a new addition to the family. Believe it or not, this type of transition affects everyone in the household. Although the baby might be the center of attention during this time, lifestyle photography gives everyone a chance to be featured and remembered. Even our furry friends are impacted!

Other reasons to schedule a session may involve a graduation, the purchase of a new home, a promotion or someone else moving into your residence. All of these scenarios are definitely worth remembering for all involved.

big tub at home during capturing life with photographer kids cleaning up after dinner for parents in home photo shoots with professional in memphis tn danielle jacqueline candid

Why I Love Lifestyle Portrait Sessions.

By removing the script from a typical photography session, everyone is forced to be themselves – even myself! I like to think I’m a people person, so I tend to fit right in. Since you don’t have to prepare much (besides clean the house haha), I look to create a sporadic, fun-filled environment that we can all enjoy.

Whether you’re reading your toddler a bedtime story, or preparing dinner while everyone awaits – photographing the entire clan in the moment reminds me what family is all about!

panama immigrants proud to be american celebrating new addition to their family with super happy big sister looking at camera with big smile matching shirts themed family pictures at home on couch with danielle jacqueline now in desoto county ms

Some of my Favorite Lifestyle Ideas:

  • Kids racing around the house with the dog in pursuit.
  • Daddy snuggling his little princess after a long work day.
  • Family game night or a group activity with friends.
  • Mommy rocking and feeding her new baby in solitude.
  • An evening family dinner that convenes in the kitchen.
  • Birthday or welcome home parties with familiar faces.
  • Renovating a lifelong residence or painting a new house.
  • Celebrating a new business that’s fruitful for everyone.
  • A loved one coming home after serving in the military.
lifestyle photography session with family outdoors in northern mississippi going fishing on kayaks with dad and danielle jacqueline black and white portrait on the water

When I had my 4th child, our home was full of life. Leading up to her birth, so many things had changed in our family and marriage. My husband and I were both self employed and making major strides in building a legacy for our children. So I decided to do a little lifestyle session that encompassed this. Here are some of the pictures with little Cora.

stacked image of newborn baby holding mother's hand in black and white for lifestyle family session with color photo above head of child for parents in olive branch mississippi looking to capture changes with danielle jacqueline
baby girl with fingers in mouth looking at camera stacked on top of portrait of her laying on bed with blue bed sheets arms and feet in air top of head by danielle jacqueline in memphis tn

Lifestyle Photos in Mississippi is Never a Bad Idea.

No matter the season, there’s always a good reason to gather everyone together for a few hours of fun and frozen memories. If you’re considering holiday pictures while everyone is in town, a lifestyle photography session might be just what you’re looking for! It will surely be a day you won’t regret or forget!

Since 2013, I’ve been providing the local community with quality photography services and now service Olive Branch, Mississippi and the surrounding Memphis area.

danielle jacqueline photography company logo with typography by prefocus solutions

Ready to Schedule a Shoot?

Fill out a quote form for more information on lifestyle pricing.

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