Nichole first contacted me back in April, a month or two before her due date. She needed newborn baby hospital pictures for her first child but was new to all this photography stuff – not to mention the baby stuff! Like most first time parents, she didn’t really know what to expect. Since I have a lot of kids, we had a pretty good initial conversation.
Preparing for the Newborn Photoshoot.
After chatting with Nichole about a few things, we were locked in and patiently waiting on baby’s arrival. Leading up to the due date, she was so good about keeping me in the loop and updating me on her pregnancy. As a Fresh 48 photographer, it’s nice to know what’s going on as it happens. I’m practically on-call for these types of sessions.
As the due date approached, Nichole’s baby was not showing any signs of coming soon. So they planned to be induced either on her due date or the day after. Made sense to me! But, of course, baby girl wanted to come on her own terms. She ended up gracing the world with her presence the day before she was due! It was definitely one of my most unexpected shoots.

Say Hello to My Little Friend 🙂
Skylar Meilani arrived on the evening of May 17th weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and 19 inches long. As expected, mom and dad were over the moon with joy when I arrived to capture their newborn. I was able to meet her when she was only about 19 hours old! She already had mom and dad wrapped around her tiny little finger.
Here’s the story behind their newborn baby hospital pictures.

There’s nothing like a mom with her new arrival. We can never get enough.

A baby’s hands and feet are amazing after birth. Their skin changes so fast!

Daddy wanted some face time. He was just in time for a diaper change!

It was sweet watching him handle business and soothe his first child.

But baby was hungry. So we captured more intimate moments with mom.

First time parents take the best pictures. Time for a wardrobe change!

Once Skylar was ready for another nap, daddy finally got a few cuddles in!

Delicate love is evident in all of the newborn baby hospital pictures I take.

When you work together as parents, this is the result you’ll normally get!

And let me be the one to tell you, there’s no better feeling in the world.

These Were a Few of My Favorite Things.
Watching the three of them together, enjoying the first step of their family journey, was so special to me. Even though mom and dad were running on a few hours of sleep, they were so attentive. Both were equally involved in outfit changes, diaper duty, nursing, and snuggling.
Little Miss Skylar is such a blessed baby to be loved so dearly by her parents. I’ve had a few trips to the delivery room and it’s usually full of single moms. So this session touched my heart. I still don’t know my father and I know how important marriage is to a child.

More About Newborn Baby Hospital Pictures.
To me, a fresh 48 session isn’t meant to be glitz and glam. I’m looking to catch the unconditional love and adoration of a parent with their new baby. No matter how we approach it, a healthy dose of patient understanding is required. I make it a point to give my clients their space if I feel like they’re getting overwhelmed. It’s a lot to take in!
I had a great time getting to know this young family and am really happy with the way I captured their first moments together. Not everyone is into the whole hospital scene. I totally get it. However, you won’t be able to find the intimacy of the setting anywhere else.
Those of you still uncertain about the experience are always welcome to book a new baby photo session at my studio or your own home after discharge. I’d love to learn more about your anticipated new arrival and look forward to capturing moments that’ll last you forever!