By the time summer comes to a close, many parents are eager for school to begin. But it doesn’t mean they’re excited about the preparation. Even if you homeschool like we do, each grade presents new challenges for you and your child(ren). It’s hard not to get caught up in endless errands and supply runs. So try to slow down when you can. Don’t get too worked up when they misplace the scientific calculator you just bought. Otherwise, you might forget all about back-to-school pictures!
Whether it’s it’s the first day for your little kindergartener or it’s your senior’s final year, the moment is certainly worth capturing. I’ve always believe that childhood memories are meant to last. As our kids grow, they’re constantly learning new things. It’s impossible for them to remain the same for long.
So don’t overlook the season no matter how difficult summer-at-home may be :).
Where to Start with Back-to-School Pictures.
First and foremost, parents don’t have to hire a professional photographer for back-to-school pictures. Any type of memory is better than taking nothing at all. When you think about it, some kids are extremely nervous before their first day of school. The last thing they may want is attention – and the last thing you want is a bunch of frowny-face portraits.
So before scheduling a photo session, talk to your children about why it’s so important to you. Most kids are more than willing to help out their parents when the motive is clear. Even if you’re only able to get 10 minutes worth of pictures, it can be a special moment. With that said, here are some things to focus on.

1. New Changes of Appearance.
If your child is actually going into a school, then they’re probably pretty excited about showing off new threads. Even if they’re sporting hand-me downs, there is normally something different (and unique) about the way they look. It could even be a new haircut they love!
One of the best ways to avoid discomfort and awkward poses is to focus on the details of their appearance (instead of the child). This takes them out of the spotlight a little and gives them confidence in what they have on – even if they don’t have a wardrobe like Johnny’s.
2. Emotions That Kids Experience.
What your child wears isn’t the only thing that’ll make him/her feel a certain type-of-way. So ask them questions about the emotions that are running through their head as you snap a few back-to-school pictures. The facial expressions you freeze in time will always help you remember the moment.
You could even ask the same questions every year to literally document the way they change. Who their favorite super hero is, what they enjoy or want to be when they grow up is constantly in flux. Portraits of your kids thinking through their answers at different ages are rarely disappointing.
3. Natural, Authentic Moments.
I think it’s safe to say that back-to-school pictures are usually pretty standard and basic. Parents normally place their kid(s) in front of the door, on the porch steps, or by the mailbox every year and call it a day. It’s not a bad strategy (one of my girl friends actually made a really cute time lapse this way). It’s just that, authentic photography is so much more rewarding!
Candid photos of our kids make the best mementos. The best part is, you don’t have to be anything more than a fly on the wall. As they prepare for their first day, snap away! It doesn’t matter if they’re brushing their teeth, combing their hair, eating breakfast, packing up, or looking for a shoe. Trust me, it’s priceless from around the corner!
Back-to-School Pictures Don’t Have to be Perfect.
Although traditional photos are great, nothing beats back-to-school pictures that preserve a child’s personality at different ages. Authentic memories like these also help parents bottle up different seasons of life. Things change so fast, guys!
I have six kids myself and it seems like there were only two just yesterday. Harass them while you can – It’s OK! But don’t publish anything embarrassing on social media. Private keepsakes are good enough.
4. Togetherness and Harmony.
No matter how you go about taking back-to-school pictures, don’t make it a drag. Try to make it fun or give your kids something to incorporate that’ll make them laugh every year. When the atmosphere is loving and relaxed, children are a lot more cooperative and photogenic!

Rewards of Back-to-School Pictures.
Even though parents usually cherish back-to-school pictures the most – they also give our kids something to look back when they have families of their own. In essence, they’re counting on us to document everything they don’t quite yet value. That’s OK. They’ll thank us one day.
These are the times that our children have no worries. They only have an imagination with dreams and aspirations. Freezing these moments-in-time is a decision that’ll bless generations. When you’re old and grey, you’ll be able to reminisce together. The elementary and high school days will seem like yesterday.

Student Photography Near Memphis, TN.
Helping parents remember the stages of their child’s life is a blessing to me as well. If you happen to live in the Memphis area, I’d love to help you capture their first moments. I have an outdoor venue and an indoor studio in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I can also travel to you!
Feel free to let me know what your family needs and I’ll do my best to accomodate you.