In 2021, dating is a lot different than it was when I was a teenager. Up until recently, I wasn’t even aware that photography for dating sites was a thing! I mean peacocking around a little bit is fine and all, I guess – but there’s nothing like capturing love that’s already been found! So if you’re going to remember your commitment together with a dating photographer, I wanted to try and help you out.
Why Do Couples Hire a Dating Photographer?
Hiring a professional to photograph personal portraits with another person is a big deal. There’s usually a story behind the relationship and things are getting pretty serious. Most couples like to capture certain dates, places and notable milestones to remember where they’re been or where they’re headed together.
Some guys even hire one to test the waters before popping “the big question”. But a dating photographer isn’t just for new lovebirds. Married couples still date each other, celebrate anniversaries and order portraits for their kid’s first prom.
No matter the reason for paying a dating photographer, ensuring the service is worth the money is important. Price only tells you one side of their own story. So if you’re looking to find a worthwhile service, here are some things to look into.
1. Is Familiarity Important to Them?
I’ve always thought that the most important characteristic of a professional photographer is their desire to know who they’re taking pictures of. Those that do really well in this industry know how to understand their clients by asking the right questions and listening. Although a photographer with direction is important, knowing that your suggestions and personalities were considered makes the experience more enjoyable.
2. Is Planning and Timeliness Valued?
Once you’ve become familiar with a dating photographer, you’ll want to see how good they are at coming up with a plan – together. Communication is key for these types of shots. If you don’t receive some sort of shot list then take note. Disorganization or unclear expectations easily leads to unnecessary stress during the photo session.
If you’re going to pay good money for this type of service, then the photographer needs to be able to take initiative, be assertive and follow through. They should understand placement and know what to capture and how to go about it. Being on time for meetings and ready on the day of your shoot keeps distractions low and your smile high.
3. Is Your Comfort Their Priority?
A prepared professional that cares about your experience is great and all – but discomfort can really make a photoshoot painful. In my opinion, personal interaction and direction is the most important trait of any photographer. They should be able to generate natural laughter and constant engagement.
An attitude, awkward silences, or setbacks that throw off the mood rarely make the service enjoyable. You can usually tell if your comfort is someone else’s priority or not. So before you just pay a dating photographer to tag along, make sure they’re able to bring out the best in the two of you.
4. Will Lighting Limit The Product?
The last thing worth looking at is the capabilities of a photographer. Not all lenses fare well in intimate “date night” settings. Amateur equipment lowers the quality of photos and limits your ability to enhance them. You can always set up lighting, but that kind of ruins the moment doesn’t it? So ask your dating photographer what kind of gear they have and if dim lighting will be a problem. If you have any questions, let me know!

Is a Professional Couple Photoshoot Worth it?
To some, it may seem silly to hire a dating photographer. The best memories tend to occur in privacy and solitude. But it doesn’t mean a couple’s shoot is worthless. There’s nothing shameful about two people falling in love.
If anything, it lets a serious couple test out a few photographers before they have to make any serious relationship announcements. Call it an interview for a potential engagement or wedding ceremony if you will.
From my experience, familiarity and comfort makes planning a piece of cake. When it comes to special occasions with loved ones, the last thing you want to do is stress over the unknown.
Qualify Local Photographers First.
Whether you’re thinking about hiring a dating photographer or not, knowing how to pick one has its advantages. Like any other photography service, a low quality product is rarely worth a few hundred dollars. So if you want to avoid buyer’s remorse, take the time to set some standards before paying for portraits – even if you need pictures for a dating site.
For anyone living in the Olive Branch or Memphis area, I’d love to capture the essence of your relationship. No matter your future plans, there’s always a season worth capturing.